Happy New Year! We had a great first Prep Chorus rehearsal of 2025. Here is a quick summary.
Scarf Warm Up: A Little Seed
Welcome & Family Sing
Stand Up Song
Scale with solfege and hand signs
Hello, and how are you?
Thank you for the Music
Transitioned to Studio (Prep Chorus only)
Welcome to Music song
Reviewed Music Room Rules
Snowman Joe - singing with actions
We Are Little Icicles - singing with actions
added solfege: high and low "do' to our Icicle song
Our Story (pre-chorus and chorus) - singing with actions
"Bluebird" circle game
Theory - quarter notes ('ta') and eighth notes ('ti ti')
reviewed the symbol and sound
echoed patterns
students composed and notated their own rhythms
Sing a Rainbow - with coloured scarves, movement around the room
Goodbye Friends song