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Happy New Year! We had a great first Prep Chorus rehearsal of 2025. Here is a quick summary.

  1. Scarf Warm Up: A Little Seed

  2. Welcome & Family Sing

    1. Warm-Up

    2. Stand Up Song

    3. Scale with solfege and hand signs

    4. Hello, and how are you?

    5. Thank you for the Music

    6. Roots

  3. Transitioned to Studio (Prep Chorus only)

  4. Introductions

  5. Welcome to Music song

  6. Reviewed Music Room Rules

  7. Snowman Joe - singing with actions

  8. We Are Little Icicles - singing with actions

    1. added solfege: high and low "do' to our Icicle song

  9. Our Story (pre-chorus and chorus) - singing with actions

  10. "Bluebird" circle game

  11. Theory - quarter notes ('ta') and eighth notes ('ti ti')

    1. reviewed the symbol and sound

    2. echoed patterns

    3. students composed and notated their own rhythms

  12. Sing a Rainbow - with coloured scarves, movement around the room

  13. Goodbye Friends song


Hello Prep Families, 

Congratulations on a wonderful winter concert. I am so proud of each and every young singer for their music-making -- and thank you to all of you who supported them along this journey!

We will be taking a break from Monday rehearsals until 2025--Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Our next rehearsal will be Monday, January 13. In the meantime, we hope to see you around as VIVA's many other choirs continue into a busy December with The Nutcracker and Messiah.

We are excited to welcome new singers into our Youth Choirs starting in January! Please send any interested friends and family members our way in the coming weeks. Folks can find out more about our regular Monday evening programming here or sign up for a spring session of Saturday Sings. 

Lastly, the Creation Stream is open to ALL, whether a part of VIVA or not! It is a unique program in Canada, and I encourage all to check it out. No experience in composing, creating, or arranging required.... We welcome creators of all stages and ages!

Please reach out to us if you have any questions and see you in the new year!

Edmee on behalf of the Prep Chorus Team


Great rehearsal today, everyone! Just a reminder that this Friday is our DRESS REHEARSAL. Please see the weekly e-newsletter for timing and details... and also get excited for a great concert on Saturday! Tickets are available for purchase through the newsletter.

Here's a quicky summary of today's rehearsal:

1 - Welcome and warm-up (combined with Main Choir and CYLS)

2 - Seasons (with microphone) with CYLS

3 - Bintang Kecil / Star Songs with Juniors

4 - Shine on Me with Juniors, Main, CYLS

5 - Roots (added actions) with Juniors, Main, CYLS

6 - Dismissal

See you on Friday at 4:45 p.m. for the Dress Rehearsal.

Saturday's concert call time is at 5:30 p.m. and the concert runs into the evening. Please ensure choristers have eaten and used the washroom prior to drop off at VIVA. Concert black dress with VIVA t-shirt please!

Thank you!

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