Welcome, Podium 2022 attendees!
Thank you for attending "Navigating Inclusion: Perspectives on Singer- and Community-Centered Practices."
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Inclusion: In the Words of our Singers
Reference List:
Bell, Adam Patrick. (2017). (dis)Ability and music education: Paralympian Patrick Anderson and the experience of disability in music. Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education, 16(3), pp. 108-128.
Canada Council for the Arts - Glossary (nd). https://canadacouncil.ca/glossary
Center for Disease Control - Disability and Health (nd). https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/infographic-disability-impacts-all.html
Dobbs, Teryl L. (2012). A critical analysis of disabilities discourse in the Journal of Research in Music Education, 1990 -2011. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 194, pp. 7-30.
Laes, T. & Schmidt, P. (2016). Activism within music education: Working towards inclusion and policy change in the Finnish music school context. British Journal of Music Education, 33(1), pp. 5-23.
Laes, T. and Westerlund, H. (2017). Performing disability in music teacher education: Moving beyond inclusion through expanded professionalism. International Journal of Music Education, pp.1-13
Palkki, J. (2022). ‘Becoming the Song’: Alice Parker, community singing and unlearning choral strictures. International Journal of Community Music, 15(1), pp. 31-48.
Information about Models shared:
Resonaari: https://www.resonaari.fi/resonaari/international
Resonaari’s Inclusive Music Network: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/Participation/Public/0bbd8b31-58a9-4e02-8e2c-7ae5f9f3af5d?displayId=Fin2005106
Drake School: https://drakemusicscotland.org
Figurenotes: https://figurenotes.org/